Mestel Diamond was created as a world first.

Diamonds serve as the perfect element to enhance the value of any design. For this reason we have developed creative techniques and innovative technologies integrating diamonds in our materials and creating bespoke solutions according our clients’ requirements.


Thanks to a strategic partnership, combining craftsmanship and technology, we have succeeded in applying surfaces with the noblest among the stones, the diamond, onto rubber. The layer of diamond dust has a certified carat density, which enhances the actual and perceived value of our creations. The micro-diamond decorations can be completely personalized in terms of grain, coloration, and design.

Diamonds of all sizes and cuts

We have developed a technology that allows the inclusion of diamonds of any size and cut within rubber using fully customizable settings. Our innovative bezel design and fitting system, engineered to seamlessly adhere to the rubber while withstanding various stresses, can effortlessly integrate any form of diamond-related customization.